Mr T.H Pendulburrys' Most Delightful Jests and Jokes for The More Discerning 1800s Character

They Will Delight The Most Sticky-Beaks!!!!!!!!!

I hope yourselves enjoy reading these

1.A Begger asking Alms under the Name of a poor Scholar, a Gentleman to whom he apply'd himself, ask'd him a Queftion in Latin, the Fellow, fhaking his Head, faid he did not underftand him:-Why, faid the Gentleman did you not say you were a poor scholar? Yes, reply'd the other, a poor one indeed, Sir, for I don't understand one Word of Latin.

2.(Reading only by adults)A Country Farmer going crofs, in the Dusk of the Evening, fpied a young Fellow and a Lady very bufy near a Fiver Bar Gate, in one of his Fields, and calling to them to know what they were about, faid the young Man, no Harm, Farmer, we are only going to Prop-a-Gate.