How Climate Change is Affecting Us By:-Freja Rejvavick

We Need To Take Action

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I was maddened today, when I read paper news and out find that it not mention about Climate Change. There was story about war, government and collape of country of UK, but none about Climate Change. Climate Change is dangerous for us and specie about us. I am vegan, and I have only eat non-animal product. Because we can clean up out Earth World and make it better for us. Being Vegan improve minds and that how I learn English so quickly. Think about poor chicken and Honey Badger only getting eaten for good of us, it be sickening. Think about poison water, in lake and when I look over water it is all brown. All green land is turn like colour of old watch-strap and that no please me. Because sea otter now cannot put nose above water and instead is made for Hot Dogs. My mother sent me to England to document Hab-it-Tat problem, and all lovely brown twigs now lay on floor with Rabbit getting eaten. I am now 16 years aged, and I protest to Sir Joe Biden of US of A, and already I get escort off stage for my Real views about Climate Change. I plant tree outside my home in Sweden to show I care about Environment and I get complain about on Twitter for good deed of me.